Mini Grant Application

Mini Grant Application - General Rules

Mini Grants are to provide support for Technology & Engineering Education Teachers in their effort to develop new and innovative strategies for teaching and presenting curriculum. Teacher's efforts are supported by funds to purchase necessary materials. Teachers are awarded $500 and there is a limited number of awards given every year. Funds may be used to purchase materials and supplies, but may not be used to purchase services. The successful Mini Grant Recipients will be announced at the NYSTEEA Annual Conference. Award winners will be asked to provide both written and photo documentation of the project to be used in a future issue of the NYSTEEA journal and/or electronic newsletter. Mini Grant Award winners are expected to share their teaching with other Technology & Engineering Teachers at the Annual Conference the following year.


Mini Grant Proposals Must:


  • Address the New York State MST Learning Standards

  • Be innovative

  • Require the use of problem solving and engineering design

  • Have value to both students and members of NYSTEEA

  • Be made by a NYSTEEA member in good standing for the past two years

  • Did not receive a NYSTEEA Mini Grant the previous year

  • An application may be co-authored

  • Must have local principal sign-off


Please provide all information requested. Feel free to add any other written or support materials. Incomplete proposals will not be considered and will be returned to the maker.


All Mini Grant applications must be typed.





School Name*


School Address*


Phone Number*


Email Address*


If the application is being co-authored, both applicants must submit the information above, be members of NYSTEEA for two years and designate a contact person for the team. Enter co-author name: *


Co-author Email Address*


Have you (and the co-author) been a member of NYSTEEA for the last two years? *


Did you recieve a Mini Grant last year? *


Wil you present your Mini Grant project at the upcoming NYSTEEA Conference? *

Elements of Application

Answer all of the questions below in as much detail as possible. 


Title of Project*


What are the objectives for this project? What do you want students to learn?*


Describe how the New York State MST Learning Standards are address in this project. *


Explain how students will practice problem solving skills, technological literacy, engineering principles and/or design thinking through this project. *


Explain how this project will teach students about careers that require technological literacy.*


Outline of the project. Include: grade level, number of students, timeline of project, big ideas taught, activities students will engage in, and assessment techniques for this project. *


Detail the budget of how $500 will be spent for materials and supplies for this project. *

Principal's Agreement

I understand that my Technology & Engineering Teacher, __________________________ , is applying for a $500 mini-grant from the NYS Technology and Engineering Educators Association. If the teacher recieves the grant, the money must be spent on materials or supplies for Technology & Engineering Education classes. I will support my Technology & Engineering Teacher in the development of this new and innovative project to teach technological literacy to students. 

Principal's Signature:




Upload Principals Signature

Please print out the Principal's Agreement and have him/her sign the agreement. Take a photo or scan it and upload it to this application. 


Principals Signature*
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